at some point, i think i will turn this blog into a full on moblog. i have a deal for twenty pictures a month so, i will guarantee at least 10 posts or so a month.
when i have a chance, i will figure out how to go about doing all of this. until then, this set up will have to do.
in the meantime, check out my new haircut. i chopped off something like, 12" of hair. maybe more....
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
this blog
is on hiatus until further notice. i mean, get real. i don't update and no one even looks at it.
goodbye blog....for now.
Monday, June 20, 2005
summer of pool
pool, the tabletop kind, not the one you swim in. my need to play as much pool as possible has kicked in once again, as i challenge myself with each game, each shot, to be the best i can be. i've watched the hustler recently and discovered paul newman not only makes terrific salad dressing (i just got his low fat sesame one, yumm), but was also quite the catch back in the day.
if you feel the need to hit the pool table sometime, let me know. i'll be there.
also....i would like to plan a trip to king's dominion this summer and hopefully rally enough people to make it worthwhile. anyone interested?
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Oh my goodness!!
So, let's see...within the last month I turned one year older, roommates moved out and new ones moved in, and the summer kickoff has begun. I hadn't realized that for months now I have been waiting for summer to begin. But really, I don't think there is any place I would rather be in the summer than Baltimore.
The Charles Village Festival is today and the MICA students are selling their wares in Mount Vernon. The Polish Festival is today as well and next week is the Greek Festival. Last week, I managed to hit the Sowebo Festival, which is where that picture of the little girl drawing on the car is from. The African American Festival is coming up 6/24-26 where Fertile Ground, Indie.Arie, Doug E. Fresh, Lauryn Hill, Mint Condition and Faith Evans will be performing. And, of course Honfest is next week (!) and Artscape is coming in July, but I will be working that.
I think I am just a festival junkie. And, carnivals as well. The thrill of carnivals hasn't diminished at all over the years, and I still get that goosebump feeling when I first walk through the gate and get my first whiff of funnell cake, cotton candy and french fries while my eyes are confounded with different paths to take and rides to ride.
Do you remember that Bikini Kill song Carnival?
This is a song about the seedy underbelly of the carnival
The part that only the kids know about
This is a song about 16 year old girls giving carnies head
for free rides and hits of pot
I wanna go, I wanna go
I wanna go to the carnival
But it costs $16 yeah
I wanna go to the carnival
But I know it costs $16 now
Round, round, round...
Gonna lose $20 while I'm there
See the girls with the feathered hair
They're wearing plastic, not real leather
Boots that go way up to there
Round, round, round...
It's by the Lacey mall
That's where you'll find me, yeah..............